The Russia-Ukraine War: Addressing Possibilities and Challenges for Peacekeeping Mission


  • Hajira Arif Hajira Arif is doing Masters in Peace and Conflict studies from Centre for International Peace and Stability (CIPS), National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan.



Among several roles and responsibilities of the multidimensional United Nations Peacekeeping missions of the twenty-first century, its utmost role since its inception is to serve as an effective tool for the prevention of wider internationalization of regional conflicts and conflict escalation. Moreover, the formation of a UN peace mission in response to the outbreak of conflict is the legitimate response of the United Nations Security Council to threats to global peace and security. Therefore, under the current political scenario of the ongoing Ukraine War in Europe, a peace mission to the region seems to be the most reasonable alternative and solution. More specifically, authorization of a Ukraine peace mission would result in an immediate end of hostilities, limiting the loss of life and property while opening pathways for reconciliation and peace-making, and therefore should be given serious thought and opportunity. However, the formation of such a mission faces significant challenges, particularly undermining the principles of UN peacekeeping. This essay explores the possibility and challenges of a UN peacekeeping mission to Ukraine. It briefly explores the lessons learned from peacekeeping during the US-Soviet rivalry of the cold war years, situating the current US-Russia rivalry amidst ‘détente peacekeeping’. In furtherance, it follows the bottlenecks, solutions, and importance of a Ukraine Peace mission.


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How to Cite

Arif, H. (2022). The Russia-Ukraine War: Addressing Possibilities and Challenges for Peacekeeping Mission . NUST Journal of International Peace & Stability, 5(2), 84–89.





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