The Age of Nuclear Deception: Nuclear Diplomacy in Treacherous Times by Mohamed ElBaradei


  • Hajra Mazhar Raja



Mohammad ElBaradei, an Egyptian born Lawyer, has been the Director-General of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) from 1997 to 2009. A Nobel Peace Prize laureate, and longest-serving Director General, who got the honour of becoming Director General Emeritus of the agency towards the end of his service. His failed bid to become the president of Egypt after Hosni Mubarak brought him back in the news during the Arab Spring of 2011.

His tenure as a Director-General was one of the most happening times of world nuclear era. Cold War had ended, and the risks of proliferation had grown considerably. Revelations about multiple nations ambitious to lay their hands on nuclear energy, both for peaceful as well as weapon purposes were increasing rapidly. The book is a compelling account of chronological events and challenges faced by IAEA during his tenure.

Arguments in his book revolve around the three underlying principles of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). These important facets of the treaty include the pledge by the (non–nuclear) members to not to try and obtain or develop nuclear weapons, a sincere effort on the part of all members to lead the world towards complete disarmament and thirdly to facilitate the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes in all member countries with particular consideration for the needs of developing countries. Linking these issues to nuclear have and have-nots, his narrative seems almost to condone the aspirations of contenders. ElBaradei has drawn some serious censure for his book as well as his work at IAEA. Anyone rising to this level in public service in international organizations is bound to be subject to such criticism by the global north or the south, by a particular religion or a nation and he was no exception.

Author Biography

Hajra Mazhar Raja

Hajra Mazhar Raja holds an MSc. degree in Gender and Women Studies and a Diploma in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL).




How to Cite

Hajra Mazhar Raja. (2020). The Age of Nuclear Deception: Nuclear Diplomacy in Treacherous Times by Mohamed ElBaradei. NUST Journal of International Peace & Stability, 3(2), 101–104.



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