Exploring 'South-South' Technology Transfer Perspective for Regional Development and Stability: The Case of China Pakistan Economic Corridor


  • Masooma Jafri




Technology transfer, CPEC, China, Pakistan


Historically, there was a traditional North-South paradigm of technology transfer under which the developed part of the world had the capability and authority of technology transfer to the relatively less developed and developing states. However, this was challenged by China which rose as an economic power and reversed the technology transfer paradigm (South-North technology cooperation). Chinese innovative policies have made it a world power and the source of technology transfer to the developing part of the world thus forming the South-South technology transfer network. China has earned the status of world lender and project financier through its One Belt One Road project and through CPEC Pakistan has become the recipient of more than $46 billion of Chinese FDI. This provides Pakistan with ample of opportunities of technology transfer and boosting its economy. However, only the implementation of balanced economic and technological policies can lead to fruitful results for the donor as well as recipient state.

Author Biography

Masooma Jafri

Masooma Jafri holds a Masters degree in Peace & Conflict Studies (PCS) from Centre for International Peace and Stability (CIPS), National University of Science and Technology (NUST), Islamabad. She has formerly been associated with the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS), Islamabad as a Research Associate.




How to Cite

Jafri, M. (2019). Exploring ’South-South’ Technology Transfer Perspective for Regional Development and Stability: The Case of China Pakistan Economic Corridor. NUST Journal of International Peace & Stability, 2(2), 67–78. https://doi.org/10.37540/njips.v2i2.34




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