When Peacekeeping Missions Collide by Paul Diehl, Daniel Druckman, and Grace B. Mueller


  • Hiba Malik currently pursuing her Master of Science in Peace and Conflict Studies at the Centre for International Peace and Stability, NUST, Islamabad, Pakistan,




When Peacekeeping Missions Collide" explores the proliferation of UN peacekeeping missions and the unintended consequences. Through case studies and a proposed framework, the authors advocate for enhanced coordination among missions. They emphasize prioritizing essential security tasks and highlight complexities in mission interactions. While offering valuable insights, the book acknowledges limitations and suggests practical solutions for improving coordination and transparency. Overall, it provides a succinct analysis of the challenges facing modern peacekeeping and underscores the importance of mitigating negative consequences through better coordination.




How to Cite

Hiba Malik. (2024). When Peacekeeping Missions Collide by Paul Diehl, Daniel Druckman, and Grace B. Mueller. NUST Journal of International Peace & Stability, 7(1), 113–115. https://doi.org/10.37540/njips.v7i1.169



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