Examining Pakistan’s Relationship with Religious Minorities: A Case Study of the Christian Community


  • Ayra Indrias Patras Assistant Professor at the Political Science Department, Forman Christian College, University, Lahore




Religion, Minorities, Identity, Christians, Citizenship, Pakistan


The constitution of Pakistan asserts the principle of equal citizenship regardless of religious distinctions and commits to safeguarding minority groups. The subject of religious minorities in Pakistan is framed within the ambit of socio-political and historical trajectories that substantiate their marginalized status. Nevertheless, the dynamics of the relationship between religious minorities and the state, particularly concerning equal citizenship, have not been extensively examined. Based on 26 comprehensive interviews with members of the Lahore Christian community, this study aims to elucidate the meaning of citizenship understood by people situated at the margins of society. While drawing inferences from the theory of intersectionality, which underscores how various forms of oppression can intersect and exacerbate disadvantage and discrimination, the study suggests that Christian communities occupy a distinct place in the spectrum of citizenship. This positioning is attributed to their profound sense of distinctiveness, stemming from their unique religious identity.


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How to Cite

Ayra Indrias Patras. (2024). Examining Pakistan’s Relationship with Religious Minorities: A Case Study of the Christian Community. NUST Journal of International Peace & Stability, 7(1), 80–94. https://doi.org/10.37540/njips.v7i1.163





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