Populism in India Under Modi Regime and its Implications for Pakistan
Pakistan, Populism, India, Modi, National SecurityAbstract
This research assesses the rise of populist politics in India under the Modi regime and illustrates its implications for Pakistan. It studies the interaction between Hindutva politics, different mechanisms of populism, the emergence of illiberal democracy in India, and how it impacts India’s domestic and foreign policies. The key findings of this paper focus on how Modi established himself as a populist leader and how populism in India has affected its relationship with the neighboring state of Pakistan. Based on qualitative research, this paper provides analytical input to conceptualize right-wing populism as a violent phenomenon that will have a far-reaching impact on Pakistan’s National Security. Following Modi’s win in 2018, he started working towards creating a majoritarian identity. To facilitate and further construct this narrative, Prime Minister Modi’s government started making policies such as revoking Article 370 in 2019, introducing the Citizenship Amendment Bill (2019), and implementing the National Register of Citizens to help mobilize the masses. This has resulted in right-wing populism being synonymous with Indian politics under the Modi regime. The populist Modi regime used anti-Pakistan rhetoric to attract voters and attain majoritarian rule in India. Examining the populist threats and challenges emanating from Modi’s Hindutva government has become a focal point for scholars to comprehend the contemporary political landscape of the region.
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