China’s Strategic Involvement in Africa and its Regional Implications (1949-2022)


  • Faiza Abid MPhil Scholar at Department of International Relations, Kinnaird College for Women, Lahore, Pakistan.
  • Haya Fatima MPhil Scholar at Department of International Relations, Kinnaird College for Women, Lahore, Pakistan.
  • Aiysha Safdar Head of Department at the Department of International Relations, Kinnaird College for Women, Lahore, Pakistan.



Strategic culture, Sino-African relations, peaceful coexistence, China’s foreign policy


China’s strategic involvement in the African region is multi-faceted as it seeks to bolster economic, political, and security ties. Chinese security and political engagement with African countries are driven by its interest in stimulating its economic rise. This research is qualitative and exploratory in nature and utilizes the concept of strategic culture to analyze the motivations behind Beijing’s interests and behavior in the African continent. Confucian-Mencian and Parabellum form two major strands of Chinese Strategic Culture, making it a unique Cult of Defense. Three important case studies have been analyzed through the prism of the country’s strategic culture, i.e. Chinese economic engagement with one of its largest trading partners― South Africa―, Chinese political engagement in the conflicts of Sudan and South Sudan, and lastly, its security engagement in Djibouti where it established its first foreign military base. Chinese three-dimensional engagements in Africa have had both positive and negative implications for the region. This research concludes that Chinese strategic culture is not static and likely to adapt itself in accordance with the opportunities available for Beijing and its goals in Africa. 


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How to Cite

Abid, F. ., Fatima, H. ., & Safdar , A. . (2023). China’s Strategic Involvement in Africa and its Regional Implications (1949-2022). NUST Journal of International Peace & Stability.





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